Previous Fora / 2011


Executive Director, Japan STS Forum

Prof. Taniguchi Tomihiro was named Executive Director of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum in March 1, 2011. He joined the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) in 1968, after his graduation from the University of Tokyo. During his career of 30 years at MITI, he was involved in a wide range of policy and administration regarding science, technology, innovation, energy, industry and trade. In the 90s, as Deputy Director General, he was the chief administrative officer on all aspects of commercial use of nuclear energy. He served in a number of important positions at international organizations, including IEA, OECD and IPCC. From 2001 to 2010, he worked as Deputy Director General and the Head of Department of Nuclear Safety and Security of IAEA. He was part of the IAEA group and the IPCC group, which were awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He was also appointed as Professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2011.



14:30-16:30 18 NOVEMBER

Lights and Shadows of Science and Technology;
Eighth Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society (STS forum)

The STS forum is a platform for people of different backgrounds from all over the world to gather and discuss, on an equal footing, how to deal with science and technology from the viewpoint of the future of humankind.
The networks among scientists, political leaders and entrepreneurs we have created are becoming stronger, larger, and more influential.
This year, at the Eighth Annual meeting, there were nearly 800 participants from over 80 countries, regions and international organizations.
Fukushima accident this year raised the question of nuclear power’s role for humankind in the future. This is truly an issue of the “lights and shadows” of science and technology.
Therefore, we had a plenary session focused on the themes of “energy and environment” and “nuclear safety and future development,” and our gathering this time had discussed in depth the future of humankind in these contexts. These discussions at these sessions are expected to contribute to formulating the appropriate decisions for the future of humankind.
We also touched on other important themes, such as enhancing innovation, global health, food and population, ICT impacts on future society and sustainability for the future oh humankind. Additionally, we discussed a new topic, behavioral change for a sustainable world. A meeting of the Academy of Engineering Presidents was also held at the STS forum for the first time.