09:00 - 11:00 PLENARY SESSION IV. “The Changing Landscape of Science: Policy Implications and Drivers"
Venue: Ceremonial Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Moderated by: Sir Brian Heap, President of
European Academies Science Advisory Council and former Foreign
Secretary of the Royal Society
Ruth Arnon, Wolf Prize Laureate, President, Israel Academy of Sciences
Ricardo Hausmann, Director, Center for International Development, Harvard University
Volker ter Meulen, Former President, Leopoldina
AnnaLee Saxenian, Dean, Berkeley School of Information
Burtscher, Deputy Director-General in charge of Policy and Management
of the Framework Programme, DG for Research and Innovation, European
Jun Xia, Director, Director, Center for Water
Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and President,
International Water Resources Association
11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Venue: Academy Club and Krúdy Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
11:30 - 13:30 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSION II. Hungarian Academy of Sciences: "Networks"
Venue: Large Lecture Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by: E. Sylvester Vizi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
László Acsády, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Albert László Barabási, Notre Dame University and Harvard University
Tamás Vicsek, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Eörs Szathmáry, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Kimmo Kaski, Aalto University School of Science
Guido Caldarelli, University “Sapienza” Roma
11:30 - 13:30 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSION II. AAAS: “Developing a coherent and compatible science enterprise"
Venue: Ceremonial Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by: Vaughan Turekian
Alan I. Leshner CEO, AAAS, introductory speaker
Bud Rock CEO, Association of Science and Technology Centers
Julie Maxton, Executive Director, Royal Society
Tateo Arimoto, Director General, RISTEX; Deputy Director General, CRDS Japan Science and Technology Agency
Patrick Cunningham, Chief Science Adviser to the Irish Government
Cathleen A. Campbell, CRDF
Tom Wang, reporter to session
11:30 - 13:30 YOUTH-WAYS SESSION on
"Scientific collaboration in the changing landscape of science: new
generation of science and researchers"
Venue: Reading Room, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Co-Chairs: Henry Roman and Mandë Holford
Kevin Govender, Director, Global Office of Astronomy for Development, South Africa;
Linda Kamau, Ushahidi, Kenya;
Humphrey Oborah, President, African Council of Gifted and Talented, Kenya;
Francois Taddei, Research Scientist, INSERM, Paris, France;
Victor Henning, CEO and founder Mendeley Limited, London, UK;
Kaitlin Thaney, Manager, External Partnerships, Digital Science, London, UK;
Peter Csermely, President, Hungarian National Talent Support Council
13:30 - 14:30 LUNCH BREAK
Venue: Academy Club and Krúdy Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Venue: Ceremonial Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by: Dong-Pil Min, Honorary Chairman Seoul S&T Forum
Alan l. Leshner, CEO, AAAS
Joshua Mandell, World Bank, STI Global Forum
Stefan Michalowski, OECD Global Science Forum
Richard O'Kennedy, President, London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)
Tomihiro Taniguchi, Japan STS forum
Peter Tindemans and Raphaela Kitson-Pantano, ESOF (European Science Open Forum)
Won-Hoon Park, President, Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA)
Venue: Reading Room, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
This session is for selected audience only.
16:30 - 17:00 COFFEE BREAK
Venue: Academy Club and Krúdy Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
17:00 - 19:00 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSION III. ICSU: “Forsight Scenarios: What will international science be like in 2031?"
Venue: Large Lecture Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by: Yuan Tseh Lee, President, ICSU, Carthage Smith, Deputy Executive Director, ICSU
Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Director, Global Energy Assessment
John Marks, Chair ICSU Taskforce on Foresight
Francoise Caillods, Senior Managing Editor, World Social Science Report International Social Science Council
Attila Havas, Senior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Michael Keenan, Country Studies and Outlook Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
17:00 - 19:00 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSION III. Brazil: “Sustainable Food Production”
Venue: Ceremonial Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by: Jacob Palis, Elibio Rech
Roger N. Beachy, Wolf Prize Laureate, Former Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US
Paul Christou, University of Leida, Spain
Thorsten Storck, BASF Plant Science Company, Germany
Dionne Shepherd, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Elibio Rech, EMBRAPA Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Brazil
John Ingram, Environmental Change Institute Oxford University, UK
Fumiko Kasuga, Vice President, Science Council of Japan
19:30 - 22:00 RECEPTION
Venue: Museum of Fine Arts
Concert of Muzsikás Folk Ensemble and Thiago Bertoldi
The reception hosted by Pál Schmitt, President of Hungary