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World Science Forum 2007
- Konferencia, 2007. november 8 - 10.
In order to promote the quality of dialogue concerning the new roles and challenges of scientific knowledge within today's global Society, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in partnership with UNESCO, ICSU and the European Commission, is organising the third World Science Forum to be held between 8-10 November 2007 in Budapest. This time the Forum focuses on - Investing in Knowledge: Investing in the Future. Encouraged by the success of the World Conference on Science organised by UNESCO and ICSU in Budapest, Hungary in 1999, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences initiated a series of events called World Science Forum taking place biannually in Budapest. As in 2001 UNESCO demarcated the 10th of November as "World Science Day", a day dedicated to science and scientists, the biannual World Science Forum takes place on and around the 10th of November of every odd year. Well over 400 scientists, politicians, decision makers from close to 100 countries from all over the world participated and are expected to participate in the work of the World Science Forum, making it a unique and in all terms a diverse event.
- Show all videos (133)
- Opening Ceremony (8)
- Science and Innovation as a Global Enterprise (7)
- Investing in Future Generations (10)
- Plenary Session II. (5)
- The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Achievement of The Millennium Development Goal (12)
- Investing in Knowledge for Peace IPSO (Israeli-Palestine Science Organisation) Panel (10)
- Plenary Session III. - Panel: Reviews of Representatives of Global Fora (9)
- Investing in Knowledge for Sustainability I. - The Best Science-Based Governance Initiatives (7)
- Investing in Knowledge for Sustainability II. - Paradigm Change for Sustainability - Sine Qua Nons (5)
- Investing in Knowledge for Sustainability III. - Science-Based Politics towards a Paradigm Change (5)
- Investing in Knowledge for Sustainability IV. - Moral Imperatives for Europe and the World (5)
- Special Session on "Investing in STI: Challenges and Opportunities for Parliaments" I. (16)
- Special Session on "Investing in STI: Challenges and Opportunities for Parliaments" II. (6)
- Plenary Session IV. (16)
- Parliament Plenary Session and Closing Plenary Session (12)