"The threat is real, our time is limited, but we can still make a change" urged János Áder President of Hungary at the Closing Ceremony of World Science Forum 2015.
more..Over 900 Science Leaders from over 100 Countries Gather at the World Science Forum 2015 Budapest 4.11.2015

At the Opening Ceremony of World Science Forum 2015 a panel of global thought-leaders declared renewed intent to fight poverty and promote just, equitable and inclusive social development based on the restoration, protection and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems. Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, opened four days of events, addressing a large audience of diplomats, global science stakeholders and key influencers.
more..Budapest November 4-7: The Enabling Power of Science 15.01.2015

The main theme of the 2015 Forum will be "The Enabling Power of Science" reflecting on the way how science opens new paths for the improvement of human life, business innovation and policy making.
Speakers of the Forum will present their ideas through 6 plenary and 9 thematic session and various side events for selected audiences.
more..World Science Forum returns to Budapest on 4-7 November 2015 5.11.2014

At its meeting of 4 November 2014 the Steering Committee of World Science Forum has agreed on the date and main theme of World Science Forum 2015. After the highly successful event of Rio de Janeiro in 2013 World Science Forum will return to Budapest on 4-7 November 2015.
Rio2013 World Science Forum closing declaration commits to advance use of science for global sustainable development 27.11.2013

Rio2013 World Science Forum closing declaration commits to advance use of science for global sustainable development
more..Jordan to Host World Science Forum in 2017 27.11.2013

Followed by the next 2015 World Science Forum in Budapest in four years from now the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will organise the next Forum, it was resolved by an unanimous vote cast by the steering committee of WSF in Rio de Janeiro. On the recommendation by MTA and WSF president József Pálinkás WSF's Steering Committee will include in future both the current and future organisers of the meeting, namely the representatives of the Academies of Science of Brazil and Jordan.

Professor Jacob Palis, President of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Professor József Pálinkás, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences today opened the World Science Forum in Rio de Janeiro with a call to delegates to end inequalities in science globally. Organised by the Brazilian Academy in partnership with UNESCO, the International Council for Science, AAAS and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the WSF is for the first time being held in a developing country and has attracted a unique combination of scientists. educationalists, research funders, leaders from culture and industry and policy makers from over 100 countries.
Science for Global Sustainable Development

It is our honor and pleasure to announce that the sixth World Science Forum will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 24 to 27 November 2013. The Forum will be hosted by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in partnership with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, UNESCO, ICSU, EASAC and AAAS.
World Science Forum's Steering Committe meets in Paris

WSF's Steering Committee has decided on the subjects of thematic sections of World Science Forum 2013 in Rio de Janeiro. At the meeting in Paris with the participation of József Pálinkás, President of MTA and WSF, and several Nobel Prize winning scientists, members also decided on the speakers of the plenary sessions dedicated to "Science for Sustainable Global Development" next year.
more..Declaration on a New Era of Global Science -WSF Closed in Unison 19.11.2011

"More than ever before, the world will be shaped by science." World Science Forum’s (WSF) closing statement was endorsed by universal applause at WSF’s closing session held in Hungary’s Parliament Building on 19 November, 2011. Below, find an account of the final speeches made at the session by dignitaries including the Presidents of Hungary and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences respectively.
more.."Parliamentary Session" - Parliamentary Session VI. 19.11.2011

Cooperation was a key motif in address of the Hungarian deputy prime minister, Tibor Navracsics to the forum of distinguished scientists, ministers, representatives of international organizations, institutions on the closing day of WSF 2011 in the Parliament Building. Cooperation between governmental and academic bodies, between industry and researchers, investors and the public is necessary to address the global challenges facing us in the country, in the region, and globally, said Tibor Navracsics.
more.."Sustainable Food Production" - Thematic Session (Brazil) 19.11.2011

In the face of the Earth’s overpopulation, this thematic session was trying to strike a balance between mankind’s growing need for sufficient food and the preservation of the Earth’s biodiversity.
more.."Foresight Scenarios: What will international science be like in 2031?" - Thematic Session (ICSU) 19.11.2011

What will international science be like in 20 years? Speakers in this session organised by International Council for Science (ICSU) tried to depict the future, basing their predictions on the strategic plan of the ICSU for 2012-2017, and many foreseeable economic, social, political and environmental events.
more.."Co-operation Even Beyond the Regional Level" - Thematic Session (AAAS) 19.11.2011

Local policies of science have to look further afield than merely at the national or even regional levels. This idea was voiced repeatedly at the thematic section on Friday organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The session was chaired by Mr Vaughan Turekian, Chief International Officer at AAAS.
"Networks made life, life makes networks" – Thematic Session (HAS)

This thematic session chaired by , E. Sylvester Vizi, former President of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Was dedicated to the various scientific approaches recently developed in network research, the presentations focused on the role and impact that biological, mathematical, computational and communicational networks have on society.
“Heading for Global Research Universities” – Thematic Session (UNESCO)

It is no longer enough to think about the role of universities at a local level in an age when science and economy are becoming global. This was one of the key observations of the thematic session to which UNESCO delegated science policy experts from five countries.
more..Prevention is better than cure - Thematic Session (Leopoldina) 19.11.2011

If you think research is expensive try disease – thus Stefan H. Kaufmann, an immunologist from Germany, speaker of this thematic session quoted the words of Mary Lasker, an American health activist talking on the re-emerging threat of tuberculosis. This is one of several infectious diseases that threaten public health even today.
more..“A Forum of Global Fora: Sharing Knowledge for Global Challenges” - Parliamentary Session 19.11.2011

Within the framework provided by the conclusions of all scientific fora in the world, participants of the plenary session analysed and attempted to harmonise the ethical, environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts of scientific discoveries. The plenary session, the fifth and last at WSF, was chaired by Mr Dong-Pil Min, honorary chairman of the Seoul S&T Forum.
"What Drives Change?" – Plenary Session

On the second day of WSF 2011 a special plenary session was devoted to the factors driving changes in the ”landscape of science”. The session was chaired by EASAC’s president and former Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society Sir Brian Heap.
"Science is a key mover of progress" - first day of WSF

In his opening speech Mr József Pálinkás, President of HAS and WSF emphasised the importance of sciences: „Under the changing conditions of nature, science is faced by even greater challenges than before. Research should find quick, effective solutions and feasible answers to the problems raised by everyday life” – said the President. The greeting words of Mr. Pálinkás were followed by the opening speech of Mr Viktor Orbán Prime Minister of Hungary.
JRC signs agreement with the Academies of Sciences of the Danube region Member States

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has signed an agreement for closer cooperation with the Academies of Sciences of the Danube region Member States. The signatories are the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), the Romanian Academy (RA) and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). The agreement, which comes in the context of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, was signed at the Fifth leg of the World Science Forum series, organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in partnership with UNESCO, ICSU, and AAAS.