Previous Fora / 2011

XIA, Jun

President, International Water Resources Association (IWRA)

Jun Xia (China) is the Chair Professor on Hydrology & Water Resources, and Director, Center for Water Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Director, Key Lab. of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface Processes, CAS. He has ample experience in leading water research on climate change impact & adaptation for water security, water sustainable management and consulting jobs in China and international activities. He is now severed as the President of International Water Resources Association (IWRA), Board Governor of World Water Council (WWC), and also takes the leading role as Co-Chair, InterAcademy Council (IAC) for Water Programme (IAC-WP), Co-Director, Australia-China Center on Water Resources Research, Member of Scientific Steering Committee of Global Water System Project (GWSP-SSC) and so on.




09:00-11:00 18 NOVEMBER

Perspective on Water Governance to Changing Environment

This paper addresses new challenge on water governance under the condition of climate change and human activity. A screening process for climate impact on the water sector in China is introduced by four case studies that could provide useful information and answer the questions such as what the impact of climate change is on the project, options for how to manage the impact and whether to manage the impact.  It is shown that water governance by adaptation could achieve a good economic result, and reduce related impacts of climate change on water resources. For the uncertainties from climate change on water resources, it gives some advice to strengthen the base research and practices on water governance in the future.