World Science Forum 2011
- Show all videos (103)
- Opening addresses (8)
- UNESCO Prize Ceremony (1)
- Plenary Session I. The Changing Landscape of Science: Challenges and Opportunities (6)
- Plenary Session II. The Changing Landscape of Science: Emerging Powerhouses in Science and Technology (8)
- Plenary Session III. The Changing Landscape of Science: Emerging Fields of Science (7)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions I. UNESCO: The Changing Landscape of Science: Higher Education s Perspectives, Dynamics and Implications (6)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions I. Leopoldina: Emerging and Re-emerging Infections (5)
- Plenary Session IV. The Changing Landscape of Science: Policy Implications and Drivers (9)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions II. Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Networks (7)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions II. AAAS: Developing a Coherent and Compatible Science Enterprise (7)
- Plenary Session V. Forum of Global Fora: Sharing Knowledge for Global Challenges (9)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions III. ICSU: Long Term Perspectives on International Science - Forsight Scenarios: What Will International Science Be Like in 2031? (5)
- Parallel Thematic Sessions III. Brazil: Sustainable Food Production (9)
- Plenary Session VI. Parliamentary Session (11)
- Closing Plenary Lectures (5)
Sir Brian Heap, President - European Academies Science Advisory Council, former Foreign Secretary - Royal Society
Ruth Arnon
Ruth Arnon, Wolf Prize Laureate; President - Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Ricardo Hausmann
Ricardo Hausmann, Director - Center for International Development, Harvard University