President, Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO
Miklós Réthelyi, emeritus Professor, Semmelweis University, former minister of the Ministry of Human Resources, president of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO
Miklós Réthelyi received his M.D. degree at the Medical School, Pécs, in an era when Pécs Medical School was the leading medical education and training site in Hungary with professors as János Szentágothai, György Romhányi, Szilárd Donhoffer, Ödön Kerpel-Fónius, István Környei and many others. He started to work at the Department of Anatomy at Budapest Medical School, later named Semmelweis University. His research activity focused on the structural, synaptological aspects of the medial basal hypothalamus and the spinal cord. He held an adjunct professorship (1974-1988) in Edward Perl’s laboratory at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served as the chair of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (1994-2004) at Semmelweis University, founded the Health Sciences Management Institute, was elected and appointed Rector of the Semmelweis University for two terms (1991-1995), served as director of the János Szentágothai Neuroscience Postgraduate School (2002-2009), was elected as member of the Szent István Academy of Sciences (2010) and served as the minister of the Ministry of Human Resources including health care, education, social care, culture and sport departments (2010-2012). Dr. Réthelyi is the author of a major textbook of anatomy, histology and embryology (Funkcionális anatómia, 9th edition, 2013). Since 2012 he has been the president of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.
With his wife of 50 years, Klára, he has three children, nine grandchildren and his favorite pastime is gardening.
17:00-18:30 5 NOVEMBER
thematic SESSION I.A: science for peace