Assisstant Programme Specialist,
International Basic Sciences Programme of UNESCO

Dr Jean-Paul NGOME ABIAGA joined UNESCO in 2011 as Assistant Programme Specialist for Mathematics and Physics within the International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP). Since 2013, he also is Deputy Executive Secretary of the International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) of UNESCO, and is responsible for Physics, Mathematics, Science Education and several other basic sciences activities. In this capacity, he has participated in the establishment and coordination of UNESCO’s Global Initiatives, such as the Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE), the International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr), and the current International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 (IYL). Mr NGOME ABIAGA is a Ph.D in Mathematical-Physics from the University of Tours, and also is graduate in physics and mathematics. Prior to join UNESCO, Mr NGOME ABIAGA was researcher and lecturer at the CNRS ‘Laboratoire de Mathématique et Physique Théorique (LMPT)’ of the University Francois Rabelais of Tours.


14:30-16:00 6 NOVEMBER
thematic SESSION Ii.C: international year of light

The International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 is drawing global attention to the many ways in which light influences our lives, and how applications of light science through the field of photonics can solve problems of global importance. The International Year has already been a great success, with thousands of activities in over a hundred countries reaching millions of people worldwide. This presentation will provide an overview of the aims and activities of the year and will showcase a selection of events and initiatives that have taken place around the world. It will also provide a short introduction to the other topics that will be presented in the session.