LEE, Fook Kay

Chief Science and Technology Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore
Dr Lee Fook Kay, as the Chief Science and Technology Officer (CSTO) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore (MHA), reports directly to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, and the Permanent Secretary of Home Affairs. Amongst the notable awards achieved by Dr Lee, his highest award is the Public Administration Medal (Silver) by the President of Singapore, conferred to him in 2009, for his valuable and inimitable scientific contributions in the Defence and Homeland Security domains. Dr Lee has more than twenty years of experience in the CBRE domain and is instrumental in the strategic buildiing and development of CBRE capabilities in Singapore. He is a member of the Central College Advisory Committee of Institute of Technical Education in Singapore. Dr Lee is also the appointed Singapore expert member in the IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Expert Group (EPREG).Dr Lee’s office, the Office of the Chief Science and Technology Officer (OCSTO), is the Science and Technology authority in MHA and leads the Ministry in all Science and Technology related issues and policies to support the Ministry’s doctrine in policy formulation and decision making contributing to augment our operations in Homeland Security.Dr Lee started his career in 1989 as a Research Scientist at DSO National Laboratories, an affiliated organisation under MINDEF, and has served as Head of Centre for Chemical Defence. His portfolio was subsequently expanded with his appointment as Deputy Director of the Defence Medical and Environmental Institute at DSO to manage defence research and development in the areas of environmental protection, biomedical sciences and human performance. He was concurrently the Director of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Programme. In addition, Dr Lee was also appointed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs as the Director of National Authority (Chemical Weapons Convention) from 2000 to 2007, and was instrumental in steering Singapore's policy and implementation strategies in the domains of weapons of mass destruction treaties, like the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention. Today, he remains a key advisor in the national Advisory Board that oversees the strategic and policy issues in this area. In 2006, Dr Lee joined the Ministry of Home Affairs.Well regarded both in the local and international scientific communities, Dr Lee’s alliances range from technology institutes in CB defence to international organizations like the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Expert Group for the Biological Weapons Convention and the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
14:30-16:00 6 NOVEMBER
Southeast Asia (SEA) has often been singled out as a hotbed foremerging diseases largely due to population growth and peoplemovements in this region; globalised tourism sector, economicdevelopments and urbanisation, affluence-driven food productionsystem and agricultural land use; and water and sanitation. Inless than two decades, SEA saw the arrival of SARS, H5N1 anda small bout of MERS on its shores, which made headline newsin the interational newspapers. Endemic infectious diseases suchas dengue and Nipah virus are also found in this region. Theregion has stepped up in its surveillance and international healthregime to counter these EID. More can be done beyond the publichealth domain. In today’s world, an index case of an EID can havedevastating effects that ripple beyond its shores and borders. Amulti-disciplinary framework is necessary to garner the hands ofthe non-public health bodies to participate in managing EID in SEA.