Previous Fora / 2003


Knowledge, environment, development

Knowledge and action - environment and sustainable development
(Summary of talk by Julia Marton-Lefevre at the World Science Forum, Budapest, November 2003)

Dr. Julia Marton-Lefevre,
Executive Director, LEAD, United Kingdom


Much of our present state of knowledge on the global environment has come from developments in science. Scientific knowledge has helped us to detect ozone depletion, biodiversity loss and human-induced climate change.

But despite these advances in understanding, biodiversity loss and greenhouse gas production show no signs of slowing down. Moreover, sustainable development - development that is environmentally sound, equitable and which enhances quality of life for present and future generations -- remains a distant prospect.

This talk will discuss the knowledge challenges that we face on the road to sustainability; and will explore what needs to be done to accelerate the transition from knowledge to action.

Specifically, this means:

Helping developing countries generate more knowledge on sustainability issues; integrating a diverse range of professional and community groups into the knowledge-creation process; and making bolder efforts to turn knowledge into action.