Previous Fora / 2003


Professor Alain Pompidou

Professor of Medicine


All these issues depend upon the responsibility of patients, health care professionals and policy decision makers through a new social contract properly adjusted to the rapid development of telemedicine. A global network for health care based on the use of new information and communication technologies is now close to reality and necessitate an ethical and legal approach based on infoethics in telemedicine.

Excerpt from infoethics and legal issues of telemedicine: a French view. cyberccitizen-health. UNESCO 17-19, September 2000

Prof. Pompidou, M.D., Ph.D., is a professor of Histology, with a specialization in cytogenetics and molecular cytology, at the University Rene Descartes, Par's {France).

He has been a member of numerous institutions throughout his career: the scientific council of CEA (Nuclear Energy Agency) (1969-1975); the scientific board of INSERM (National lnstitute of Medical Research) (1976-1981); the scientific council of the LNFCC (French Cancer Association) (1985-1992); expert for the World Health Organization (1986-1989); minister's deputy at the Department of National Education and Research (1986); technical adviser at the Department of Health (1987-1988); Charge d'affaires for National and International AIDS politics; president of the PACTE Association (Prospecting and Actions in the Community for Technology and Ethics); scientific adviser of the French Prime Minister (1993-1997); the Council for Technical and Scientific Information (1994- ); the French Academy of engineers CADAS (1997- ); and the Vice-Chairman of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), Ethic's Committee (1991-1996), member from 1996.

Prof. Pompidou was Elected in June 1989 (RDE Group-UPE since July 1995) to the European Parliament, and within that capacity, has served on the following committees: Energy, Research en Development Committee (acting) (1989- ); the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Committee (substitute) (1989-1994); the Economic and Monetary Affairs and lndustrial Policy Committee (substitute) (1994- ); Vice-Chairman of the Japanese Delegation (1989-1994). Chairman (1996- ); the Chinese Delegation (1994-1996); Correspondent for the European Parliament of the International Bioethics Committee UNESCO (1994- ); Vice-Chairman of the European Energy Foundation (1994- ); President of STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment for European Parliament) (1994- ); Vice-President of the Intergroupe Ciel et Espace Europeen.

Prof. Pompidou is author of "SOUVIENS-TOI DE L'HOMME": L'ethique, la vie, la mort (Editions Payot 1990) and "Souviens toi de l'Homme: L'ethique, la vie, la mort", Ed. Fayot, 1989. He has also authored or co-authored more than 150 scientific publications.